WAVESHIELD is a modern day scientific device created to address the growing concerns on mobile phone users. It is a small device that you stick to the back of your mobile phone so that you can be protected from the harmful effects of radiation. Mobile phones use are extensive in our lives as we cradle them in our hands, put them in our pockets and use them typically, for many hours in a day. We make or receive phone calls and may be placing our mobile phone directly in contact with our skins and heads for a long time. Just imagine our exposure to EMR on a daily basis and what this does to our bodies? This is the reason why investing in WaveShield is the right thing to do.

WAVESHIELD is a new generation EMR shielding material that is based on the Molecular Resonance Effect Technology, the same technology created by Dr. Igor Smirnov that created WaveRider. You may not realise it but the impact of wireless technology on human's health has been documented to be real and factual.
World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that the use of mobile phones links to cancer. Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 - The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.
Why is electromagnetic radiation harmful?

In 1994, Nobel prize winners, Gilman & Rodbell determined that our body's cells communicate with each other via very low & subtle electromagnetic frequencies. This signal carries all the vital information through a process called signal transduction and are translated into biochemical and physiological processes of our body. EMR can potentially distort and disrupt these cellular communication signals resulting in abnormal metabolism and consequently illness. Thousands of other studies on the negative effects of EMR to immune system, enzyme synthesis, nervous system, learning, mood and behavioral pattern have proved to be consistent and statistically significant. EMR does adversely affect organic life at the molecular, cellular, biochemical and physiological levels.
Dr.Igor Smirnov's Invention - the inventor of WaveShield

As founder and patent owner of the Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET), Dr. Igor has now produced another innovative product called WAVESHIELD. Made from a proprietary polymeric material, once activated, WAVESHIELD emits MRET frequencies that can travel through space and re-balances the natural rhythm of organic matters into its own natural resonance - humans, animals, water and plants.
Net Weight 4g
Weight (with Packaging) 56g
Elliptical diameter 2.3cm by 1.5cm
Packaging Dimension 11cm X 7.6cm X 2.8cm
Life Span 3 years upon sticking to an electrical device (Eg. Mobile phone or laptop)
Range of Coverage 2m radius
WAVESHIELD is highly recommended to all phone users especially to children.
- Protection at the workplace - Workplace with heavy use of electronic and wireless equipment and computers. Eg. Server rooms, workplaces near satellites and broadcasting stations, X-ray departments, transport vehicles that are heavily wired such as airplanes, cars and others
- Protection at home - Homes near broadcasting stations or with a satellite dish, homes installed with wireless routers, and other numerous home electronic gadgets that gives out strong EMR. Heavy use of family members with computers, mobile phones, iPads/tablets.
- Protection for the sick in hospitals, clinics and vets - Create a better resonance needed by sick patients or animals by helping them re-balance their body's resonance so that they can heal and hasten the recovery process better
- Protection of guests at Health clubs (spas, massage & beauty parlours) - to return the natural energy to the body and calm the mind quickly
Create a sanctuary where protection and safety from bombardments of EMR becomes your priority
WaveShield is made of a patented polymer compound of a high dielectric constant. In the presence of external electromagnetic field, WaveShield emit very low and subtle frequencies of electromagnetic oscillations that resemble those used by living cells in the body. These oscillations compensate and neutralise the harmful effects of EMR generated by electrical devices while simultaneously providing support for cellular functions in the body.
WaveShield does not reduce the intensity of EMR from your device. It neutralises the negative effects of EMR by modulating ultra low frequencies onto the EMR frequencies rather than reducing the EMR intensitiy.
Actual live blood cells test conducted on the effects of EMR.
Control Sample = Blood samples without mobile phone

WaveShield neutralises the electromagnetic stress and excitement caused by mobile phones on the brain#
Brain EEG readings

#The controlled test was conducted at the laboratory of SA Biomedical Instrument Company, San Diego , Califrnia.The human subject was introduced to the influence of a mobile phone (Samsung model #SCH-2000) without WaveShield protection and susequently with WaveShield protection. The head of the subject was covered with a standard Electro-cap connected with 4 channels of Bioelectric Amplifier equipped with Analog Processor and Anti-alaising Filters. The data were provided for the following 4 electrodes: C4, Fz, F4 and T4. After running the control test for 3 minutes, each of the EMR influenced tests was run 3 minutes each. The mobile phone was located on the right side of the head at standard position.
In conclusion, WaveShield shields you from the effects of EMR, protecting and normalising every living cells. The life span is 3 years when placed on source of radiation.
1. What is the WaveShield ?
The WaveShield is an anti-radiation device that protects us from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. The scientist who invented it, Dr. Igor Smirnov, was awarded two US patents for this technology.
2. What are the sources of electromagnetic radiation that affect us everyday?
We actually live in an environment where man-made electromagnetic radiation is very pervasive. Basically, electromagnetic radiation is emitted whenever electrical equipment are used.
Around the home, hair-dryers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, TV, computers, cordless phones, vacuum cleaners, baby monitors and stereo receivers are all sources of electromagnetic radiation.
Outside the home, we are continually bombarded by electromagnetic radiation from commercial WiFi routers, video screen displays, mobile phone towers, radio transmissions, GPS systems, bluetooth and other electrical installations.
Those of us who use mobile phones actually carry around a source of electromagnetic radiation with us everywhere we go.
3. What are some of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation?
According to Dr. Neil Cherry of Lincoln University, New Zealand.
“Scientific studies at the cellular level…show compelling and comprehensive evidence that RF (radiofrequencies, which generate electromagnetic radiation) exposure… which are a minute fraction of present “safety standards” resulted in altered brain function, sleep disruption, depression, chronic fatigue, headaches, impaired memory and learning, adverse reproductive outcomes including miscarriage, still birth, cot death, prematurity and birth deformities.
Many other adverse health effects have been found, predominantly cancer of many organs, especially brain cancer, leukemia, breast cancer and testicular cancer.”
4. What are the effects of electromagnetic radiation on our bodies?
Electromagnetic radiation causes our bodies to react negatively.
When our cells detect electromagnetic radiation (for example, from the mobile phone or computer), they interpret it as a “danger signal”. Messages are sent to the cell nucleus, that cause gene expression changes.
These gene expression changes trigger a cascade of events such as:
- changes in heart rate and variability
- enzyme activity changes
- proto-oncogenes are turned on
- stress genes are turned on and stress proteins are produced.
The change in heart rate and variability causes an induction of heart stress condition. When this is prolonged, this leads to a reduced chance of surviving an infarction.
Changes in enzymic activities causes changes in the normal cell metabolism processes. One consequence of this is an increased rate of cell proliferation. This in turn can lead to fetal abnormalities and cancer.
Another consequence of changes in cell metabolism is that it interferes with and leads to changes in cell secretion. One result of this is that it leads to changed production of brain substances, affecting our brain functions. This will lead to stress and stress symptoms, hormonal disturbances, short-term memory loss, learning impairment, headaches and fatigue.
Another effect of changes in cell secretion is a reduction of melatonin being produced by the brain’s pineal gland. This triggers a series of disorders including mood disorders, behavioral disturbances, sleep disorders, disturbed circadian rhythm, and a feeling of permanent jet lag.
The reduction in melatonin also causes our immune system to be impaired and down-regulated. This means our body’s resistance to sickness and disease is lowered. It can also lead to blood disorders and asthma.
A third consequence of reduced melatonin production is that it can lead to an increase of DNA breaks, contributing to a disturbance of the body’s repair functions and chromosomal damage. These may lead to fetal abnormalities, degenerative diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson and also cancer.
So we can see that the long-term and not-so-long term effects of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation can damage various functions of our brain and body.
5. How does the WaveShield protect us from electromagnetic radiation?
WaveShield uses a proprietary, patented technology to counteract man-made electromagnetic radiation, by producing “natural” frequencies that “ride” on the waves of the electromagnetic radiation. These frequencies form a field similar to that occurring in nature, which the human body has been long-accustomed to.
These WaveShield frequencies are natural, random and noisy, and the cells of our bodies perceive them to be acceptable, and therefore do not react negatively against them. Conversely, electromagnetic waves of the mobile phone, WiFi and other electrical devices produce frequencies that are man-made and constant, which are interpreted as harmful to our health.
When the WaveShield is placed on the mobile phone device or any other WiFi and other electrical devices, the resultant waves received by the body is an enhanced field. This field is accepted by the cells as “normal” so there is no negative reaction from the cellular mechanisms.
This means that our cells, in the presence of the WaveShield frequencies, are able to function without the adverse effects of the electromagnetic radiation.
6. Who invented the WaveShield ?
The WaveShield is the brainchild of scientist-inventor, Dr. Igor Smirnov. Dr. Smirnov was awarded two US patents for the technologies that led to the creation of the WaveShield.
Dr. Smirnov specializes in advanced research on the influence of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations on human cellular physiology.
He is most well known for his pioneering invention of the Molecular Resonance Effect Technology or MRET. His MRET technology has helped heal people suffering from a wide range of diseases ranging from cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer disease to psoriasis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Dr. Smirnov brings a depth of knowledge from nuclear engineering, mechanical and bio-engineering, biological sciences, quantum physics, biophysics, biochemistry and even clinical psychology into his work. His works are well published in international scientific publications including the European Journal of Scientific Research, International Journal of Biophysics and Journal of Research in Biology, among others.
7. How long will the WaveShield last?
The WaveShield has a life span of 3 years once it is stick onto the device.
8. What is the range of the WaveShield protection?
The WaveShield’s protective coverage extends to a radius of 2 metres.
This means that anyone using the WiFi or mobile phone or other electrical appliance within 2 meters of the WaveShield will enjoy the benefits of its WaveShield frequencies.
10. Will the frequencies from the WaveShield affect the signals of our mobile phones or WiFi?
The WaveShield is unique in that its frequencies ride on the signals of our mobile phones and WiFi, yet they do not in any way distort these mobile phones and WiFi signals.
In other words, the clarity of communication when using the mobile phone and WiFi remains the same. The WaveShield’s frequencies do not interfere with the mobile phone or WiFi signals.
12. Does the WaveShield help to reduce the brain’s absorption of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones?
Yes, it does.
Radiation from mobile phones and other wireless devices is often measured in terms of SAR values. SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate. It is the rate at which the body absorbs the radiofrequency energy from the mobile phone or wireless device.
13. Why are parents advised that their children should not use a mobile phone until they are 15 years old?
From the time they are born, our children’s brains and bodies continue to grow and develop non-stop till somewhere in their late teens.
As the brains, internal organs and skeletal structures develop and grow, they are particularly susceptible to the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation. Prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation has been known to damage DNA and impair natural cellular processes.
Because children’s brains and bodies are still growing, the rapid cell multiplication and growth rates make them very vulnerable to DNA damage. Research has shown that radiation from mobile phones and WiFi causes diminished reaction time in children, decreased motor function, increased distraction, hyperactivity and inability to focus on complex and long term tasks.
Children’s skulls are also smaller and thinner, which means that the electromagnetic radiation will penetrate deeper into their brains. Their brain tissues are softer and have far more rapidly dividing cells than the adult, which means that they will absorb far more of the radiation and suffer greater harm than the equivalent adult.
The harm that electromagnetic radiation can cause to children is so well recognized that schools in France are not permitted to use WiFi, while Belgium has disallowed the sale of children-specific mobile phones. Many schools in Australia and other countries have limited or disallowed wireless communication.
Instead, worldwide, as the average person becomes increasingly aware of the great dangers posed by wireless communications, there is mounting pressure for governments and education authorities to use wired networks in schools instead of networks using wireless broadband systems, including WiFi.